2018年 第19届亚洲放电会议,Outstanding Oral Report Award
2020年、2022年 全国高电压与放电等离子体学术会议,优秀口头报告
2021年 “国科大杯”创新创业大赛分项赛 二等奖(1/6)
2022年 “赢在苏州创赢未来”第十四届苏州青年精英创业大赛 三等奖(1/6)
2022年 2021江苏青年科技创新“U35攀峰”系列寻访活动“U35创新”提名人选称号
1. 高压脉冲电场的生物医学应用:高压脉冲电场可以在微纳秒时间内提高细胞膜通透性,产生电穿孔,是新一代的肿瘤和软组织消融技术,在肿瘤和心脏电生理物理治疗、细胞治疗等领域有巨大的应用潜力。
2. 等离子体医学:等离子体是除了气、液、固以外的第四种物态,是一种整体成电中性的带电粒子团,等离子体可以直接作用于人体,在皮肤病、肿瘤治疗、免疫疗法等领域有广阔的应用前景。
3. 生物电阻抗谱应用:阻抗是物质电学性质(电容、电阻、电导率、介电常数)的宏观表示,可以反映生物结构和功能的变化,被应用于细胞生长状态、结构变化,生物组织病理结构和功能的实时原位诊断,是临床上评估射频消融技术贴靠程度的关键技术。随着技术发展,阻抗谱技术在肿瘤和心脏消融、等各种物理治疗的实时评估领域有广阔的应用前景。
1. 苏州市基础研究试点项目,2021-7至2023-6,经费30万,负责人;
2. 山东省自然科学基金青年项目,2022-10至2024-9,经费15万,负责人;
3. 国家重点研发计划课题,2019-9至2023-7,经费146万,技术骨干;
4. 两项横向课题,经费220万,负责人
5. 德国科研联合中心项目,2017-9至2021-8,经费960欧元,技术骨干。
1) Wei, Wenzuo, Fukun Shi, and Juergen F. Kolb. "Analysis of microstructural parameters of trabecular bone based on electrical impedance spectroscopy and deep neural networks." Bioelectrochemistry 148 (2022): 108232.
2) Zhuang, Jie, Cheng Zhu, Rui Han, Anna Steuer, Juergen F. Kolb, and Fukun Shi*. "Uncertainty Quantification and Sensitivity Analysis for the Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy of Changes to Intercellular Junctions Induced by Cold Atmospheric Plasma." Molecules 27, no. 18 (2022): 5861.
3) Distler, Thomas, Christian Polley, Fukun Shi, Dominik Schneidereit, Mark D. Ashton, Oliver Friedrich, J rgen F. Kolb et al. "Electrically conductive and 3D‐printable oxidized alginate‐gelatin polypyrrole: PSS hydrogels for tissue engineering." Advanced Healthcare Materials 10, no. 9 (2021): 2001876.
4) Shi, Fukun, and Juergen F. Kolb. "Enhanced resolution impedimetric analysis of cell responses from the distribution of relaxation times." Biosensors and Bioelectronics 157 (2020): 112149.
5) Liu, Hongmei, Fukun Shi#, Xiao Tang, Shuang Zheng, Juergen Kolb, and Chenguo Yao. "Application of bioimpedance spectroscopy to characterize chemoresistant tumor cell selectivity of nanosecond pulse stimulation." Bioelectrochemistry 135 (2020): 107570.
6) Shi, Fukun, Jie Zhuang, and Juergen F. Kolb. "Discrimination of different cell monolayers before and after exposure to nanosecond pulsed electric fields based on Cole–Cole and multivariate analysis." Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52, no. 49 (2019): 495401.
7) Shi, Fukun, Anna Steuer, Jie Zhuang, and Juergen F. Kolb. "Bioimpedance analysis of epithelial monolayers after exposure to nanosecond pulsed electric fields." IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 66, no. 7 (2018): 2010-2021.
8) Shi, Fukun, Guiyao Zhou, Duanming Li, Lu Peng, Zhiyun Hou, and Changming Xia. "Surface plasmon mode coupling in photonic crystal fiber symmetrically filled with Ag/Au alloy wires." Plasmonics 10 (2015): 335-340.
9) Shi, Fukun, Lu Peng, Guiyao Zhou, Xuelong Cang, Zhiyun Hou, and Changming Xia. "An elliptical core D-shaped photonic crystal fiber-based plasmonic sensor at upper detection limit." Plasmonics 10 (2015): 1263-1268.
石富坤 副研究员
电 话:13249748022