Smart material/structural Ultrasound Array for Medical Imaging
报告人:李思博 博士
主持人: 崔崤峣
Ultrasonography as an important evaluation tool is widely used in clinical diagnosis, therapy and post treatment assessments. Ultrasound array systems are desired for various imaging applications because the probe is capable of multi-configuration scanning, more precise control and higher reliability. High frequency ultrasound with high resolution, specifically, has been applied in intravascular imaging, ophthalmology, dermatology and small animal studies. PMN-PT 1-3 composite has been increasingly used in medical imaging transducers due to its low acoustic impedance (Z), relatively high piezoelectric coefficients and high electromechanical coupling coefficients (kt). Micromachining technique has been successfully developed for fabricating PMN-PT 1-3 composite with frequency range of 15 MHz - 75 MHz. This report will discuss the development of high frequency linear array and circular array for medical imaging.
On the other hand, contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) provide high-resolution imaging of the microvasculature and estimation of blood perfusion in organs, tissues, and in tumors. Recent progress on contrast enhanced acoustic angiography suggested that microbubbles can be excited at 2 -4 MHz, and the nonlinear responses from microbubbles can be detected at frequency > 10 MHz, leading to high signal to noise, high-resolution contrast imaging, and providing exceptional sensitivity to unique tumor microvessel structural characteristics. In this presentation, we also report a 3 MHz/18 MHz ultrasound array was developed, for the first time, for transrectal acoustic angiography for prostate cancer evaluation.
医疗超声作为重要的诊疗手段得到大量的应用,超声换能器阵列具备多种成像手段,控制精确和更高的可靠性等优点在应用上尤为广泛。近年来,高频超声有了长足的发展。基于微加工工艺的PMN-PT 单晶1-3复合材料也慢慢进入了超声的应用。这种材料的优点包括低声阻(Z),高压电性(d),高转换效率(k)。本次报告的部分内容将讨论基于1-3复合材料的高频线性阵列和环形阵列在医疗上的应用。
此外,基于微气泡的高对比度血管超声成像能够将血管在组织器官的中的分布有效精确的呈现出来。最近的发展表明1-5 MHz的激发频率和12-30MHz的接受频率的组合能够达到优化的对比度和分辨率的成像。本报告的另一部分将讨论基于隔离层设计的3MHz/18MHz双频超声换能器阵列的设计加工和测试。这部分研究将有助于前列腺癌的早期判断和检查。
博士 机械航空工程 2016
硕士 机械工程 2012
本科 精密仪器与机密测控 2008
研究助理 美国北卡州立大学 2012 - 现在
研究助理 美国斯蒂文斯理工学院 2009 - 2012